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Choosing Your Perfect Work-Wife



When you outsource, the truth is that you’re choosing a companion.

A worklife-wife of a kind.

It’s kind of a huge deal.

You wouldn’t want to jump in bed and promise everything to the first girl you meet…right?

You want her to match the role well. Possibly she must be intelligent, fun, interesting, able, and trustworthy.

The same things apply to choosing a partner for outsourcing. It can help to envision that you’re kind of going to be dating them.

What qualities are absolutely necessary to a dating relationship?

The following is a collected list of the traits I search for in my potential partners.



You wouldn’t hire a sales person with no sales knowledge and simply pray it turns out well somehow. Outsourcing is not really the area where you roll the dice and have a risk in your business. Hire a person who understands what they’re carrying out, and has done it before…and completed it well. Have they worked in your specialized niche before? What exactly are they especially competent at?



Generally, it’s not someone’s capability to do a job, but their accountability that makes them strong. Is it possible to count on them to meet deadlines and keep their word about whenever a task will be completed? Can they maintain themselves accountable or will they want continuous monitoring by you?



Look for people who are leaders! Is their thinking taking them forward and are they internally driven? You want to have somebody who is confident with providing insights about improvements they discover, ideas they get, etc. If someone is too timid, I don’t like to outsource to them. I love somebody speaks up and becomes heard.



In life, marriage, and outsourcing…flexibility is crucial. Not only versatility in working availability but also with thought processes and work. There’s going to be long hours whenever a product is going to launch. Having somebody focused on your project with their time can make an enormous difference at crunch times. You’ll need them to rotate through several duties at a quick pace at other times and know that they are able to deal with that. Can they think outside the box or not?

I understand this is a fairly simple list…but years of outsourcing has proven me what things are absolutely essential in a worker, and I could guarantee that these insights are exactly what you want to search for.

So evaluate your employees, and perhaps even yourself with this list and after that make progress in your business.



Krisna Negara & Assistants

Founder — KrisnaN / Serial Entrepreneur / Company Friends / Jewel Friends / TheKrisnaN Lifestyle / KrisnaN Acquisitions / KrisnaN Ventures / KrisnaN Solutions / StressLess Work Systems / Author / Inventor / Investor

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