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The Science Of Productive Workers & What This Means For You

Your staff, regardless of where they may be, are the most crucial component of your organization.

They are the origin of energy that drives the business and keeps it going forward.

A healthy, motivated personnel maintains all the functioning parts in the machine moving plus they cast fuel to the fire overall.

Being aware that their piece is indeed essential, how will you guarantee that they are and stay productive and satisfied?

Here are some of my favorite methods.

On-Time Compensation.

Compensation is be the very cause your employees decided to work with you. Therefore, it is necessary to carry it out on time. While cash isn't always the answer, it is still the very best encouraging factor for some employees. And like you, they also have bills to pay. It creates trust and cooperation when you keep your promise about payday.


Apart from compensating, offering benefits and incentives can be extremely effective.

Being rewarded for work done well encourages the worker and additional personnel to execute even better. I love to give a little suprise to my workers when they least anticipate it – and it always works.

Trust and Self-Confidence.

When you provide them with trust, they often give worth to it. Policing all of them in fact increases their tension and they’re less inclined to do good work. However when you are confident your employees are performing what they are asked for without policing their way of life, a wholesome and effective relationship can bloom.

Fun & Downtime.

All work & no play makes your workers lifeless.

Keep a well balanced atmosphere – work and enjoy. Even when your outsourced personnel is located miles from you, ensure that they are getting downtime. Encourage them to take advantage of the holidays they deserve. Let them maximize their initial time away and let these people go on a break when the situation requires it.

I think all this really comes down to letting your people feel highly valued and needed.


To Freelancing!


Krisna Negara & Assistants

Founder — KrisnaN / Serial Entrepreneur / Company Friends / Jewel Friends / TheKrisnaN Lifestyle / KrisnaN Acquisitions / KrisnaN Ventures / KrisnaN Solutions / StressLess Work Systems / Author / Inventor / Investor

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