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Caffeine, Part 1 of 3: Scraping the Itch


My mechanised view of life pushes me to cut-to-the bone conclusions. Therefore, here’s the disclaimer for this three-part post: To me it’s irrelevant if you drink coffee or not. I've got nothing to sell you with this. It’s your life (and I state this with no sarcasm). This subject gets me captivated, and some people have found my personal standpoint interesting. So, do you deeply-entrenched caffeine fanatics want to consider cutting me some personal slack as I scrape this itch?


This evaluation is punctuated with approved professional/scientific findings, but mainly this is my very own experience – moving from being a heavy caffeine consumer to (almost) not using it. I connect every component of my own and professional life around the systematic methodology which revolves around the easy mechanical “systems mindset” strategy. I see my own world as a set of individual systems, and I also arrange my days from that viewpoint.


I have quit caffeine 2 times. One time cold-turkey. Another time not so suddenly. These days I take caffeine yet I’m not hooked to it. I can take it or leave it alone.

In these documents, I’ll utilize the words coffee and caffeine interchangeably. For our reasons, think of them as the same thing.


But let us get dull and explore the boring-but-true world, beginning with sleep. Today, the sleeping element of the human diurnal system is definitely under threat. (From, the term diurnal is translated as “showing a periodic alteration of condition with day and night, as certain flowers that open by day and close by night”). Due to everything from the invention from the electrical light bulb to television, to constant texting, to stimulants (yes, caffeine), to things-are-moving-way-too-fast stress…almost none one of us is getting enough sleep. Explore a little in Google and you’ll see sleep deprivation accountable for memory deterioration, excess weight gain, cardiovascular disease, depression, mechanical incidents, and horrible dispositions. In geopolitical intrigue, sleep deprivation is an often used info gathering tool of the counterintelligence sweethearts.


In our daily lives, chronic sleep deficiency is a tremendous infringement on the efficiency of anyone, which is something that the majority of all of us ignore. And here’s an undeniable fact the majority of all of us don’t see: If 1 is usually in a rest debt, some huge percentage of the deficit needs to be compensated for someplace down the road. It does not just disappear, so the query should be asked: Will the shortage be compensated for right now or later on? And if the solution is later on, understand that until later on comes, the integrated system-of-systems which makes choices and takes care of you – the mind & body – is going to be working on significantly less than on top level. When one is attempting to get someplace in life, that is not good.


Because of daily caffeine usage there is a little bit of of sleep loss every single day as you wake up during the night time, gets up earlier when morning comes and/or simply doesn’t get deep sleep. After having a day of light caffeine use, the deficit may be just a short while, a couple minutes. On large consumption days, one hour or more. Regardless, the shortfall of sleep relentlessly builds up. Hence, with constant caffeine usage comes chronic rest deprivation and all of the disadvantages that come with it and, no query, the further one ends up into it, the harder it really is to carry one’s butt from it: Ever slept for 72h straight before?


This turns out to be the sneaky thing: The deficit gathers up gradually and it’s not really observed as you get numb to going through times at progressively sub-optimal functioning, both physically and psychologically. Average overall performance becomes the approved tradition. Yes, the fault of this silent downfall into severe sleep debt could be flattened squarely with maybe the finest individual human attribute: the ability to quickly adapt to varying conditions.


Regardless, to get the caffeine-dependent, symptomatic early morning dizziness is definitely destroyed simply with that 1st cup.


Therefore feeling exhausted is merely based on 1 of 2 known reasons for seeing oneself wanting caffeine each morning. The additional cause is the previously listed basic addiction. That cup of coffee in the morning is certainly relieving withdrawal symptoms – mental depression, particularly – by the prior day’s consumption. That is a large reason it certainly makes you feel great. This erases the withdrawal-blues…until the next morning.


I will not get into fine details right here, but understand that the physical dependence on caffeine is due to our nerve synapsis getting accustomed towards the steady inflow of the caffeine. Breaking the dependency means transferring those synapsis back again to regular functioning. This is simply not a mental addiction. It is physical.


Here is the main systematic procedure of any habit: The bell starts to ring, and in electric expectation, a Pavlovian doggy drools when the treat is soon to be given. The conditioned addictive reaction of the dog, however in chronic human caffeine intake, butt-kicking chemical dependency becomes the cost.


People. Getting conditioned. Chemical dependence. Pavlov. Whatever it is. It is basic mechanics, so even if there could be some weighty effort in the beginning, it’s a straightforward fix. Let us observe how to break that addiction so that you can get a kick out of caffeine without needing it.

Krisna Negara & Assistants

Founder — KrisnaN / Serial Entrepreneur / Company Friends / Jewel Friends / TheKrisnaN Lifestyle / KrisnaN Acquisitions / KrisnaN Ventures / KrisnaN Solutions / StressLess Work Systems / Author / Inventor / Investor

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