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Lousy System Thoughts: The List (Part 1)

Consider this as a “lousy system thoughts” -group of posts. The thought of pointing out self-sabotaging cyclical believed processes found me weeks ago… However, now I’m abruptly enthusiastic about starting the series. In the upcoming months I’ll deal with the bad systems-thinking concern randomly, every time bringing 3 to 5 system mind-traps to evaluation which used to paralyze me, keeping me from independence and wealth. I’ll blend the profound with the trivial and as typically, the simple answer will be dwelled upon. Just like the occasional newsletters, I’ll randomly sprinkle this subject with other ones.


Is describing poor systems-thinking a negative strategy? Yes, but it’s required if we’re to get to the bottom of things, the unrivaled place where long-term change may happen. To set the cornerstone for a mindset that may make freedom and prosperity occur we first have to specifically see the dysfunctional thought processes that are shutting down the works. When ineffective thought patterns on systems are identified, they can be deleted, leaving space for efficient ones that do contribute to your life’s goals.


The breakthrough happens when systematic thought processes are created visible.


Life improving thinking patterns are inside you at this time, gently waiting to replace the negative ways you are about to remove. You already know what the good types are, and you could lay back and write a list of them if somebody asked you to do so. You’ve been learning them since the second grade (“give consideration, be friendly, work hard, stay relaxed and calm, think-outside the box, smile as much as you can, look after your health & physique” and so forth). But for way too many of us folks these positive, control-inducing thought processes are working part-time, or they’re downright inactive as unfavorable ones brutally push them away. However, it’s an weirdly basic thing to take our harming system proclivities in to the sunlight where they may be terminated, and after that to re-energize the effective thought processes which have been there all the way through.

Do that and, step-by-step and with growing velocity, you’ll have control of things so you’re able to get what you need out of the you-only-get-one-chance life gift.


Let’s begin:


1. Riding the emotional horse & never stopping. Plato stated, “…we must use the reins of reason upon the horse of emotion”. I really like that, and it’s an excellent place to begin this series because it’s absolutely fundamental; a primal reminder that a lot of us crash through life assuming our emotional condition alone is certain to get us where you want to be. We say, if I could simply keep a positive attitude, things will find their place! But, that is just another one among those great sounding theories that does not really work. Life itself is more practical than that. Like other people I wallow in both ups and downs of emotion, but I understand these sine wave gyrations are items of the mechanical outcomes I’ve gotten in my life, not the additional way around. The way to get off the hose? Deep inside, understand that emotion has nothing in connection with achieving your goals. Mechanical effectiveness does. The mechanics arrive first! Get them to the right place and positive feelings will follow.


2. Squandering away time. During one day, how many occasions do we observe people ”passing time” in mind-numbing activity? Stupid TV, senseless text-messaging and online games, alcohol and drugs and dumb, never-ending coffee-shop Seinfeld-like chatter about almost nothing. No coincidence that these are people frustrated about not really getting the things they want in life. Time-fritter is an awful, systemic rut that wastes numerous important moments in life that cannot be replaced. What are your choices? Invest “spare” moments in the right things to make tangible improvements along life-goal paths.


3. “Smart” phone addiction. There is absolutely no query it’s an addiction, and an addiction is usually a recurring thinking routine that steals one’s identity, leaving little area for anything beside it…like arranging and executing ways of create freedom and prosperity for oneself and other people around you. The majority of my friends have these phones, most of whom keep them around as though these were sacred religious items. It’s obsessive, to end up being so mounted on such a gadget. (And, funny, they admit it.) Yes, obviously communication is essential but just how much, and at what cost? Anyhow, there are other activities more important than unlimited connection. Peace of mind is one of them. A concentrated thought-process is another. In the event that you allow it, your smartphone can make you dumb. Make choices: Systematically, keep it switched off and only utilize it when it's needed. Don’t allow its insidious existence lead your days.

Krisna Negara & Assistants

Founder — KrisnaN / Serial Entrepreneur / Company Friends / Jewel Friends / TheKrisnaN Lifestyle / KrisnaN Acquisitions / KrisnaN Ventures / KrisnaN Solutions / StressLess Work Systems / Author / Inventor / Investor

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