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It Doesn’t Require a Psychologist…

“what is the very best method to make real improvement toward being freedom, prosperity and joy?” The psycho-babble section desires you to brainstorm and make theories in your mind. I advise that you get on with points by firmly taking step by step material actions in real life. Obtain control of daily occasions and the happiness component will follow automatically.


“In a wide sense, presently there are 2 psychological methods to discovering a course to lead a fulfilling, positive life. The 1st holds that the occasions of before & the mindset we created as an outcome of these occasions determine the happiness of the present. This way, we are victims of unpleasant circumstance and also have an opportunity at peace only when we face and disarm the psychic demons planted inside our heads way back when. That is the Freudian stance.


“The next approach, the cognitive, maintains that the thoughts we fill ourselves with today are what matter most, and the happenings of the before are simply that – a part of the past – and gone forever unless we claim upon taking them back to the present moment.


“The cognitive approach is even more pragmatic compared to the Freudian because it’s straightforward and neat, enabling one to steer their thought processes instead of lurch powerless in mental negativity from years gone by. I think that the things we do today will determine our tomorrow, and casting blame on the past or the world or another person is a crippled method to go through this valuable one-time event called life.


“Blue-blood, old school psychologists who see limitless gloomy complexity in the human condition will sniff in the purity of the System mentality. Things are more difficult than that, they’ll state. I thank them beforehand for the evasive compliment. That is an elementary, dispassionate, drop-the-load dispatch that describes lives in the way they are really are: simple cause-and-effect structures which can be logical, easy to foretell, and enjoyable.


“No PhD needed.”

Krisna Negara & Assistants

Founder — KrisnaN / Serial Entrepreneur / Company Friends / Jewel Friends / TheKrisnaN Lifestyle / KrisnaN Acquisitions / KrisnaN Ventures / KrisnaN Solutions / StressLess Work Systems / Author / Inventor / Investor

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